The Empress is Here!

with Maren La Salle

Photography by Arthur St. John – @arthurstjohn

Hair & Make-up by Taylor Jazz – @taylor_jazz

Location: Phillip Lamond – @philliplamond1

What is your name? Maren La Salle

Where were you born? Huntington Memorial Hospital. Pasadena, CA. 

Where do you live now? Currently back in Pasadena.

Favourite style of music? Anything I can sing or dance to.

Favourite movie of all time? Don’t have one.

Favourite actor? Don’t have one. 

Favourite colour? Red, black, white.

Favourite food? Japanese.

Read the book or watch the movie? Watch the movie.

Describe your perfect man? Responsible, self- aware, hard-working, emotionally available, intelligent, funny, gentle, caring, loving, and loyal. 

Describe your perfect date? When he opens his mouth; he means what he says and says what he means. Someone who can walk the walk. Not just talk the talk. 

Favourite body part on you? My stomach.

Favourite body part on a man? Eyes 

Any pet peeves? Liars

Tell us something about you not too many people know? Elise is my first name. Maren is my middle name. Everyone in my family goes by our middle names, it’s a family tradition. 

Describe yourself using only 3 adjectives: Intelligent, Resilient, Nurturing.

If you can change any one thing about you, what would it be? I don’t agree with this question as I’ve grown to love and accept myself as I am. 

Do you like to travel? Yes, Love to travel. 

Where is your favourite vacation destination? Depends who I’m with.

What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far? Staying in the gym consistently! 

Congrats on your Playboy Australia Cover! What does this mean to you? Thank you! This is a dream come true. I still can’t believe it. This is so special to me. And most important for me to honour the death of my uncle Johnny. He lived in Australia and was working on the world atlas map finding new species to put on the map. He recently passed away. 

Have you ever been to Australia? Yes! My uncle, my dads’ brother actually relocated his family to Australia. We went during Christmas one year to visit.

Would you like to visit someday? Yes! I would love to go back! 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Happily married with kids living mom life while running a business from home.

Follow Maren’s sexy adventures on Instagram @Marenlasalle for all her latest content and news updates!