Turning Dreams into Reality

This month we’re chilling with the beautiful and multi-talented hairdresser, stylist, and co-owner of Bush2Beach, Charlee Wilkinson.
Charlee Wilkinson / @charlee__wilkinson
Makeup by Kathryn Kawasaki @kathrynkmua
Heya Charlee, happy to have you. Could we start by you telling us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from, and what got you started on your journey into modeling? Thank you it’s a pleasure! A little about me, I’m a qualified hairdresser of almost 10 years. Hair and beauty are one of my biggest passions that I will always be expanding my knowledge and skills in. My partner and I have recently started a bathroom renovations business and when the opportunity arises to expand more into modeling, I seize the experience. The Goldcoast is my home city and where I have always lived. My modeling journey started last year and has always been something I’ve been encouraged to do by many and is now an industry that I am blessed to work in when given the chance to.
When you’re not on a shoot or working hard on running your business, what are some of the things you love doing for fun or to relax? I’m lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, the Goldcoast, and for fun, I love experiencing everything it has to offer! Beach walks, picnics in the mountains, exploring the rainforests, or just finding a nice local café to have lunch with my friends is how I spend my weekends.

Do you have any role models in the industry, or are there any people you’d absolutely love to work with and why? My ultimate girl crush is Margot Robbie. I think she is an incredibly talented woman and would absolutely love to work with her. Kendell Jenner is also an inspiration for many aspiring models. She has excelled in her career, and I think she would also be incredible to work with.
We know this isn’t your first rodeo in terms of photoshoots, could you tell us more about some of the work you’ve done and what were some of your most memorable moments? Absolutely, last year I was on the cover of Maxim Australia, and I was completely in my element on shoot day. I’m a firm believer in doing things in life that make you happy and if you love what you do it shows. The entire experience was memorable for me, but just having fun with the photographer (Rocky Batchelor) and seeing the incredible images we could create together is a part of the experience I won’t forget.
What advice do you have for all those aspiring young models hoping to break into the industry? I would say don’t be afraid, follow your passion and give it your all.

You’re beautiful and business-minded, what got you started on your career path, and could you tell us about Bush2Beach and some of the awesome work you’ve done? Thank you. I’ve always enjoyed the freedom of working for myself, not everyone wants the stress of owning and running a business, but I like to do things my own way and I believe it comes naturally to me. Hairdressing is a career and passion of mine that started from a young age that I will be focussing more on in the next 6 months to come. Bush2beach you can follow our Instagram page @bush2beachbathrooms to see some of our incredible bathroom work. My partner found his niche in the construction industry and when he asked me to help with Bush2beach, I put all my time and energy into doing my part. I just so happened to love it as much as him along the way.
Hypothetical question. If you a great idea or product but needed an investor, would you consider pitching your idea on Shark Tank, or are you all about making your own path? Without hesitation, I’d say I would find my own path. I’d explore investors through my own business relationships first.
Are you currently working on any new business ventures or modeling projects, and could you tell us more about it? I’m looking at starting my own business within the next 6 months by opening a small salon starting with myself and within a five-year plan, if growth allows it, expanding with staff. I have also been exploring the idea of enlarging my social media following and if I decide to do this, more modeling will be a part of that as well.
Do you have a celebrity crush, and what do you look for in your ideal partner? My celebrity crush is Tom Hardy. My ideal partner would be a rugged manly man that is chivalrous and knows how to be romantic. He loves new experiences and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.

Mixing business with pleasure, do you think lovers can go into business together? I think definitely they can. For example, the last nine months I’ve worked day and night alongside my partner. I believe they must be the right person and if they are it’s more than possible, you can be a real power couple.
In the current world of social distancing and online dating, would you say chivalry is dead? From what I see today, chivalry isn’t dead but rare. I think men undervalue how important it is and sometimes women don’t appreciate it enough when they are lucky enough to have it.
What’s your idea of an ideal date, and does money make the moment, or is it the thought that counts? Money is by no means a factor for me when it comes to the perfect date. Effort and planning are most important. My most memorable date was on a beach, with a bottle of wine, a cheese platter, and Ed Sheeran playing on his phone.
We noticed your Instagram is private and we respect that. For all the guys out there who would like to stay up to date on your news and events, where can they do that? I’ve always been a private person but keep an eye out on my Instagram @charlee__wilkinson as I do plan on sharing more here.

If you had any last parting words of wisdom and advice to our readers out there, what would they be? Fill your life with experiences, don’t look back, and regret the chances you didn’t take.
Thank you so much, Charlee, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit with us. We hope to see you again soon and wish you all the best going forward – with love XoXo… Thank you for having me! It’s been an absolute pleasure. Speak soon 🖤